EEBD Belt Clips and BeltProduct Support

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EEBD Belt Clips and Belt Product Support Overview

Clips and belt to carry the EEBD around the waist

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EEBD Belt Clips and Belt FAQS

Can the EEBD be carried around the waist?

Yes, the EEBD can be easily carried around the waist by fitting the specially designed belt clips that work inconjunction with a wasit belt.  The clips are very easy to fit, simply snapping into place and they can be used with our waist strap or with the wearer’s existing waist belt.

How do I carry the EEBD?

The EEBD can be carried across the shoulder/back using the carry strap.  Alternatively, belt clips can be fitted to the carry case and used inconjunction with the waist belt and the EEBD can be mounted around the waist.  The belt clips are easy to fit, simply snapping onto the carry case.