EEBD - Emergency Escape Breathing Devices

Self-contained, short duration, oxygen re-breathers for marine and industrial applications.
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Semmco EEBD - Emergency Escape Breathing Device

The Semmco EEBD is a self-contained short duration oxygen (O2) re-breather that provides a supply of oxygen so that the wearer can breathe freely in a contaminated or oxygen deficient environment.

There are two versions:

  • 15 minute duration for military, marine and offshore applications
  • 20 minute duration for industrial applications

Regardless of the version, the Semmco EEBD uses the same system to generate a breathable atmosphere for the wearer during their escape.  Initially, as the EEBD is pulled from its carry case, a starter system provides oxygen for the user’s first breath.  As the user exhales into the bag, moisture from their exhaled breath passes into a canister containing KO2 (potassium superoxide).  The CO2 from the wearers exhaled breath is absorbed by the KO2 that then liberates oxygen.  Oxygen continues to be generated while the EEBD is being used and, depending on the version deployed, will last for 15 or 20 minutes.

The Semmco EEBD can be stored for up to 15 years but during its life, visual checks must be carried out on a regular basis.

About Our emergency breathing escape products

  • Marine 15 – A vital component during emergencies aboard a ship, the Semmco Marine 15 EEBD (Emergency Escape Breathing Device) is indispensable. This self-contained, closed-circuit oxygen re-breather ensures a 15-minute supply of oxygen, allowing the wearer to breathe safely in environments contaminated or deficient in oxygen. This guarantees a swift and secure escape in critical on-board situations.
  • Industrial 20 – The Semmco Industrial 20 EEBD, approved to UKCA and CE regulations, delivers an immediate and constant supply of oxygen ensuring swift and secure escapes. Weighing just 2kg, it is lightweight and easy to don, providing 20 minutes of oxygen in an emergency. This environmentally friendly device is not only efficient but provides a quick and simple solution for users, with the added benefit of eco-conscious disposal methods.
  • EEBD training set – To facilitate authentic and repetitive training in how to use the Emergency Escape Breathing Device range, it is crucial to ensure that individuals using the equipment are confident and proficient in its application. The EEBD Training Set is designed specifically to offer realistic and effective training. It features reusable clips securing the case lid and an easily cleanable mouthpiece and hose assembly, allowing for repetitive use and maintenance between training sessions. This ensures a comprehensive and thorough training environment for users to become adept at donning the Emergency Escape Breathing Device.

See our EEBD Products in Action:

Why Semmco LPS?

Semmco Life Protection Systems is dedicated to designing and manufacturing oxygen breathing apparatus for short-duration escape and working rescue, safeguarding individuals working in atmospheres that may become irrespirable. In critical situations, you need escape and working rescue breathing devices to be accessible, easy to use and, most importantly, completely reliable. Get in touch with Semmco LPS today.

Frequently asked Questions

What is EEBD?

EEBD stands for Emergency Escape Breathing Device. It is a portable device designed to provide a temporary supply of breathable air in situations where the surrounding atmosphere may be hazardous due to the presence of toxic gases or a lack of oxygen.

What is EEBD used for?

EEBDs are typically used in industrial settings, marine environments, and other places where workers may face emergencies requiring a quick and safe escape. These devices are designed to be easily activated, allowing the user to breathe safely while evacuating from a hazardous area.

How many minutes does our solution provide?

This depends on the solution. The Semmco Industrial 20 EEBD provides 20-minutes of safe breathing while the Semmco Marine 15 EEBD provides 15 minutes of safe breathing.

How to use our EEBD devices

Once removed from the carry case, the user positions the set around their neck, takes a deep breath, inserts the mouthpiece and secures the nose clip before resuming normal breathing. Exhaling into the bag activates the potassium superoxide (KO2), triggered by the moisture in their breath, which absorbs CO2 and releases oxygen.

The website features videos demonstrating the correct donning and doffing procedures for both the HEAD range and the EEBD range. To view the instructions for the HEAD range, follow this link, and for the EEBD range, use this link.